Monday 15 April 2013

NaPoWriMo: The Halfway Point

It's 15 April, and because of the heavy workload I have with the return to teaching, I drafted a poem this morning to make sure I'd get it done. While I have thus managed my 15 poems in 15 days and am excited by the results thus far, the end of spring break is going to make the second half of the month significantly more difficult in terms of finding writing time.

How are others doing at this point? I hope the prompts have proved helpful to those wanting outside inspiration.


  1. Anonymous11:16 am

    Still keeping up, though some of the quality has been dubious! I have blogged about it here

  2. Am still with the programme! Thanks for the great prompts, and the best thing really is that it has encouraged me to READ a lot more poetry.

  3. Still with it, and still working through my list of 'random word' prompts. I'm trying to keep a day ahead, to reduce the pressure to produce. It's illogical, I know, but it makes it feel less stressful. I've posted the titles of the poems here -

  4. Hi. I've not managed to write anything so far today, but am in a class this evening with the brilliant Michael Scott so have every confidence by the end of today I'll have achieved 15 poems in 15 days.

    That said, I too have to say the quality of some of what I've produce has been dubious to shockingly poor. On the other hand, I've got three or four pieces that arrived as virtually complete finished articles and are some of the best work I've produced. The rest will bear working on but, overall, I'm pretty pleased with what I have so far. I used one of your prompts and wrote a 20 line piece consisting entirely of questions and really like what ended up on the page. I think I'll probably go with another of your prompts today, so thank you for the assistance - it's been greatly appreciated!

  5. I have been writing at least 100 lines of verse every day since the beginning of 2009, so I have been in the groove for a while now. It gets easier as time goes by to make the time and get the creative juices flowing. I always worry about 8 each evening if I will even write a word, but without fail some vision blooms and I write something. For almost two years I have been writing an epic about scientists, and my 100 line a day work ethic has resulted in my writing 60,500 lines of blank verse as of this week. I posted about 4,000 lines here.

  6. Hey there! I have been enjoying the daily practice and have been working on leaning on words and choices that are not altogether normal for me. Thanks !

  7. Anonymous4:30 pm

    Oh dear, my commitment to napowrimo is seriously pants. One poem written in the whole month - ack! I think I may write it off an start afresh in May, one month in arrears, so to speak :) I shall enjoy returning and feeding off the writing prompts ... thank you!

  8. Anonymous4:33 pm

    Oh dear, my commitment to napowrimo is seriously pants. One poem written in the whole month - ack! I think I may write it off an start afresh in May, one month in arrears, so to speak :) I shall enjoy returning and feeding off the writing prompts ... thank you!

  9. I've managed to write more than for previous napowrimo challenges when I'd usually give up on about day five. An Easter holiday in the West of Ireland without the hindrance of the internet definitely helped. I'm several days behind now so this is where external prompts will be useful to get me going again.
