Friday 23 October 2009

Homesick, or A Few Photos from My August-September Visit Home

Back in Normal...

Andrew, age 2--mischief itself

Lindsey looking pensive--she's a thoughtful girl

Alex, age four--always in motion

Mom and Kaylee

Monday 19 October 2009

High Chair 11

The Philippine online journal High Chair has just released issue 11. I was invited to submit work, and my poem "The Reclamation," first published in The Warwick Review, was chosen. The poem is part of manuscript in progress The Weather in Normal.

Monday 12 October 2009

Etter and Crowther review and interview

In the new issue of the online journal Horizon, there's a piece where Claire Crowther and I comment on each other's work and interview one another. It was a great pleasure to do, as I'm so fond of Claire's work but have little opportunity to write about it given that she's one of my closest friends.

Thursday 8 October 2009