Thursday, 28 April 2016

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Nerve Damage, a different kind of ekphrastic anthology

"The Poet" by Joel-Peter Witkin

Rupert Loydell sent this image to numerous poets asking for their responses in poetry, and the booklet Nerve Damage collects the results, with contributions from Annabel Banks, Sarah Cave, M.A. Duxbury-Hibbert, A.C. Evans, Mike Ferguson, Peter Finch, John Gimlet, David H.W. Grubb, Alan Halsey, Daniel Y. Harris, H.L. Hix, Aaron Kent, John Mingay, Sheila E. Murphy, John Phillips, Ian Seed, Robert Sheppard, Martin Stannard, Paul Sutton, George Ttoouli, Loydell, and myself. It can be purchased by sending £5 cheque made to R.M. Loydell or a $10 bill for US orders to Stride, 4B Tremayne Close, Devoran, Cornwall TR3 6QE. I'm greatly looking forward to reading the other poems, to see the range of responses to the image. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Yosemite, April 2016, first of two selections

Bridalveil Fall

Squirrels with the inside of a fallen tree for a home

Yosemite Upper and Lower Falls

Thursday, 7 April 2016

(Re)visiting UCLA, my alma mater, 3 April 2016, second of two

In the Sculpture Garden. The building behind it is Bunche Hall, where I took many of my Latin classes.

More of the Sculpture Garden.

This is where the Department of English was housed in my time.

Great sculptures in the square of Rolfe Hall.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

(Re)visiting UCLA, my alma mater, 3 April 2016, first of two

I graduated from UCLA in 1995 and last visited UCLA briefly around 2000. When we parked the car, I wasn't sure where I was, but with each new thing I saw, I remembered some other item nearby, and puzzle piece by piece, my map of the campus and my time there came together.

The majestic Royce Hall, where I took Chaucer with V.A. Kolve.

Another view of Royce Hall

The quad. The hammocks are a good addition since my time.

UCLA's mascot, the great bruin. He provides soothing shade for a dog.