Tuesday 20 July 2010

Another take on Scott Thurston's reading of Internal Rhyme at Furzeacres

The first post on this topic gave some examples of the work on the page. Here are some passages I transcribed during the reading; I have not checked them against the book for accuracy, in part because I am interested in what I may have misheard.

"breaks of touch"

"the young argue to finitude"

"class-beguiling intellect"

"stage-managed sulk"

"anonymous indulgence"

"write it not too late whilst on the way"

"where is that simple expression tied in to a cakewalk to a pleasing"

"welcome back at the new bazaar"

"educated lack"

"scared to death in a poem interrupted by senior figures"

"haunted by surface"

"it takes art to (maintain?) a perpetual crisis"

"holding to what cannot be completed"

"sometimes you trust accidentally dead love"

"beauty conceives its own shape let no one intervene"

Internal Rhyme is available in the UK directly from the publisher as well as the usual suspects and in the US from Amazon.com.

1 comment:

  1. "write it not too late whilst on the way"

    That's really good. Scott's great at writing about the act of writing – how and when it is successful.
